Friday, February 17, 2012

Vitamin Water

So Lent is coming up, right? Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday. So I'm thinking of things I'm gonna give up for Lent. Luis and I are also gonna do some things together, so it'll make it easier on both of us. Cuz I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I have the will power of a goldfish. Which is none, because goldfish don't even have conscious free will. So I gots my work cut out for me, especially with the goals I'm setting.
I'm giving up my morning coffee. That one might not actually be so hard, because I'm not giving up caffeine, just coffee. So if I absolutely absolutely need something in the mornings I can have some kind of soda, but I'm going to try and stick to just fruit juice and Vitamin Water. Y'know, that healthy stuff. See if it does me any good. I mean, I have a freshman 10 to get rid of.
The second part of my Lent resolution thing is to start going to the gym with Luis every Monday Wednesday Friday for about an hour or so. I'll probably just run for half of it and then to elliptical for the second half and not lift weights like he does, but still hopefully I will start chipping away at that freshman 10. Maybe I'll even start doing crunches in my room after I stretch after I run. I stretch after I run because that's when your muscles are the most warmed up which means they're the most stretchy, so I can make more progress if I stretch after I run. But I only stretch in my room, first because there's no floor space at the gym here, and second because my lack of stretchiness is so embarrassing I don't want to do it in front of all those fit workout people. Which Luis thinks is silly, but I'm very self-conscious, so I don't want all of those fit people looking at me and going, "Jeez, what is she doing? Trying to touch her toes?" No thanks. I'll struggle to touch my toes where nobody can see me.

So those are my goals. No coffee, and working out. Hopefully I'll be a healthier, happier person because of it. Yay.

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