Friday, February 17, 2012

Vanilla Ice Cream

So I have voice lessons on Friday.
I'm working on this song called Vanilla Ice Cream from a show called She Loves Me. It's really cute. It's about this girl who has apparently had some experiences with a guy who's been not so nice to her, and then the next time they hung out he bought her vanilla ice cream, so now she's all confused, "is he a dick like I thought or a nice guy?" and it's really funny and a fun song to sing, and it has this really high note at the end that's supposed to be all operatic and stuff and it's hilarious.
Well, to get me to put enough power behind this high note, my voice teacher has been giving me all these different things to do or think about while I'm singing this note. One week she had me try to lift the piano while I sang it because it makes me engage my abs which helps support the sound. Then last week she had me think about what I was singing, and basically told me, "She ain't singing about ACTUAL ice cream, you know."
Well, I giggled for about a minute and a half after she said that.
Then I sang the song. And the note sounded great.
Hooray for innuendos and their magical music powers.

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