Friday, February 17, 2012


So I've already proven how incapable I am of keeping up with this thing. I'll try and get my whole week up today, y'all, but we'll see.


Sunday church was awesome. I visited a DoC (that's Disciples of Christ, y'all) church up here by my school just to see what it was like since I haven't been to a DoC church up here yet. The minute we walked in the door we were greeted by friendly and enthusiastic churchgoers who all wanted to meet us and greet us and get to know us. It felt like home. It was wonderful. That's how my home church is, so it was nice. We mob strangers. It's just what happens. We just love everybody so much that we wanna talk to em and get to know em and talk em into joining our committees. :3 Just a fact. DoCs have lots of committees. Amen? Amen!

Then on Monday night I went to Evensong at school (first time all semester, woo!) and had a grand ol' time. That's a contemporary Methodist service that happens at Evensong, which contrasted nicely with Sunday morning because that had been a traditional worship service. Hymns and stuff, you know? But Evensong is contemporary so we got to rock out to some awesome Jesus praise music and do the Benediction Dance and all sorts of fun stuff. The message was great. I cried. It was just what I needed to hear that day, so God is good. Yay. :3

So that's my church experience for the week, y'all.

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