Sunday, February 12, 2012


Okay, so first real post about something in my life.

I went to the ballet today with my boyfriend, Luis. I discovered that if you're a student and you pay cash they give you HUGE discounts on tickets. We got into the Civic Center for $20. Ah-mazing.
The ballets were awesome. It was a triple feature. The first two were modern pieces, and they were both awesome. Wonderfully talented company, wonderfully choreographed. Personally I don't know much about the technical side of ballet, so I can't really tell you a lot about that part of it. But from a simply aesthetic point of view, they were both really cool.

The fact that I don't know anything about ballet sometimes frustrates me because Luis actually DOES ballet, so he knows ALL about it. And then I try to be like, "it was so cool when they did the thing with the thing and she twirled around and he picked her up and the thing with the thing!" and he's like, "oh, you mean the -long technical term for the thing with the thing-?" And I'm like, "Gaaaahhhhhhh yeah, that." I don't like not knowing things. It's just a peeve. So I tried to understand. And I didn't. And I was frustrated. Oh, well, you know?

But seriously y'all.
The third ballet in the triple feature was the big one: the Firebird by Stravinsky. Yes, Chica, the one from Fantasia 2000. Except in this story the Firebird is the hero and she saves the day. Basically this guy named Ivan comes across the Firebird and wants to keep her, so in exchange for her freedom she gives him one of her feathers which he can use to call her when he's in trouble. Well, of course the second she leaves he runs across this creepy castle place with beautiful maidens living in it and dances a wonderful pas de deux ("dance for two." I learned a new word. Yay!) with the princess girl. But when he asks her to come away with him, she tells him they're all prisoners in the creepy castle and that he should flee for his life. Of course, instead he tries to follow them into the castle and instantly gets attacked by monsters. Then the leader villain guy came out and tried to turn our hero to stone, but he waved the feather in his face and the Firebird came and saved him and they killed the bad guy and then the hero and the princess got married and it was all wonderful and lovely.

It was awesome. So win. Loved it. Great.

So yeah. That's what I did today.

<3 Katy

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