Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance

Yes, the TV show. My amazing boyfriend Luis is auditioning for it this weekend, so this week I'm helping him choreograph and clean all of his audition numbers. It's really the first time I've seen him seriously dance, and I have to say it's kind of the coolest thing I've ever seen. I mean, I'm totally impressed by dancers anyway, especially guys, and then when it's a guy who's as completely attractive as my boyfriend is, and he's letting me watch and help, it is just the most amazing thing ever.
So he's gonna be gone again this weekend, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do to amuse myself, but I'll think of something. I always do. I'll probably hang out with friends or sisters or maybe even go home and see my family. We'll just have to see. Anywho, I have to go to class now. I'll have a post sometime next week about midterms, I'm sure. Since I'm not actually studying for them I'll post something about them on here. Yeah. We'll see how that goes.
Love y'all.

More Alpha Phi

No rest for the weary Alpha Phis, we're already charging full speed ahead into our next project, which is Spring Sing! It's a little like Homecoming Lip Sync except we're actually doing the singing. It's a ten minute  musical, basically, and all of it is SUPER SECRET because we don't want anyone to steal our ideas, so I'm not going to tell you a whole lot about it other than that it's gonna be SO TOTALLY AWESOME you won't even believe it. We're performing it next Wednesday at 9 pm. And we're gonna bring the house down. It's gonna be bomb.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


All the Phis are working overtime to raise as much money as we possibly can for the Alpha Phi Foundation and raise awareness for women's heart health. We have all sorts of events and stuff going on to raise money. On Monday of course we had the flash mob, then on Wednesday we had free Zumba in the house to help raise awareness of heart health. Then today we're selling cupcakes in the caf, and tomorrow is the big King of Hearts man pageant! Wooooo!
We Phis get to wear our red dresses for the man pageant and I'm really super excited. My dress is AWESOME. Maybe I'll post some pictures on here later. I look so good in that dress.
Love you guys.

Monday, February 20, 2012


So today I participated in a flash mob for Cardiac Care Week for Alpha Phi.
Cardiac Care is our philanthropy through the Alpha Phi foundation. We take care of women's heart health. It's our philanthropy. Coolest thing ever. And to advertise it, we did a flash mob in the caf today. It was amazing. So much fun. Girls dancing on the tables, everything. It was so cool.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Vanilla Ice Cream

So I have voice lessons on Friday.
I'm working on this song called Vanilla Ice Cream from a show called She Loves Me. It's really cute. It's about this girl who has apparently had some experiences with a guy who's been not so nice to her, and then the next time they hung out he bought her vanilla ice cream, so now she's all confused, "is he a dick like I thought or a nice guy?" and it's really funny and a fun song to sing, and it has this really high note at the end that's supposed to be all operatic and stuff and it's hilarious.
Well, to get me to put enough power behind this high note, my voice teacher has been giving me all these different things to do or think about while I'm singing this note. One week she had me try to lift the piano while I sang it because it makes me engage my abs which helps support the sound. Then last week she had me think about what I was singing, and basically told me, "She ain't singing about ACTUAL ice cream, you know."
Well, I giggled for about a minute and a half after she said that.
Then I sang the song. And the note sounded great.
Hooray for innuendos and their magical music powers.

Vitamin Water

So Lent is coming up, right? Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday. So I'm thinking of things I'm gonna give up for Lent. Luis and I are also gonna do some things together, so it'll make it easier on both of us. Cuz I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I have the will power of a goldfish. Which is none, because goldfish don't even have conscious free will. So I gots my work cut out for me, especially with the goals I'm setting.
I'm giving up my morning coffee. That one might not actually be so hard, because I'm not giving up caffeine, just coffee. So if I absolutely absolutely need something in the mornings I can have some kind of soda, but I'm going to try and stick to just fruit juice and Vitamin Water. Y'know, that healthy stuff. See if it does me any good. I mean, I have a freshman 10 to get rid of.
The second part of my Lent resolution thing is to start going to the gym with Luis every Monday Wednesday Friday for about an hour or so. I'll probably just run for half of it and then to elliptical for the second half and not lift weights like he does, but still hopefully I will start chipping away at that freshman 10. Maybe I'll even start doing crunches in my room after I stretch after I run. I stretch after I run because that's when your muscles are the most warmed up which means they're the most stretchy, so I can make more progress if I stretch after I run. But I only stretch in my room, first because there's no floor space at the gym here, and second because my lack of stretchiness is so embarrassing I don't want to do it in front of all those fit workout people. Which Luis thinks is silly, but I'm very self-conscious, so I don't want all of those fit people looking at me and going, "Jeez, what is she doing? Trying to touch her toes?" No thanks. I'll struggle to touch my toes where nobody can see me.

So those are my goals. No coffee, and working out. Hopefully I'll be a healthier, happier person because of it. Yay.

Alpha Phi

On Wendesday, I went to Cuppies and Joe with my sisters in Alpha Phi. We had a grand old time. I haven't seen a lot of my Phis since coming back from winter break because of the show, so it was nice to be able to spend some quality time with them and chat with them about stuff. I had a chai latte. It was delicious. Like a cupcake in a cup. Cuz, you know, normal cupcakes come in paper cups, but this was a ceramic cup, so it was, like, better. And cuz I didn't want a real cupcake. So I had a chai latte instead.
Freaking love my Alpha Phi sisters. I just love them so much. Of course, my biological sister is also wonderful and fun to hang out with. She's super cool, you know. Kinda kooky, but super cool.
Of course, so are my Phis. We're all kinda kooky, but we're all super cool.

I kinda feel like that's everyone I know. Kooky and cool.
But seriously y'all.
Love all my friends so much.


So I've already proven how incapable I am of keeping up with this thing. I'll try and get my whole week up today, y'all, but we'll see.


Sunday church was awesome. I visited a DoC (that's Disciples of Christ, y'all) church up here by my school just to see what it was like since I haven't been to a DoC church up here yet. The minute we walked in the door we were greeted by friendly and enthusiastic churchgoers who all wanted to meet us and greet us and get to know us. It felt like home. It was wonderful. That's how my home church is, so it was nice. We mob strangers. It's just what happens. We just love everybody so much that we wanna talk to em and get to know em and talk em into joining our committees. :3 Just a fact. DoCs have lots of committees. Amen? Amen!

Then on Monday night I went to Evensong at school (first time all semester, woo!) and had a grand ol' time. That's a contemporary Methodist service that happens at Evensong, which contrasted nicely with Sunday morning because that had been a traditional worship service. Hymns and stuff, you know? But Evensong is contemporary so we got to rock out to some awesome Jesus praise music and do the Benediction Dance and all sorts of fun stuff. The message was great. I cried. It was just what I needed to hear that day, so God is good. Yay. :3

So that's my church experience for the week, y'all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Okay, so first real post about something in my life.

I went to the ballet today with my boyfriend, Luis. I discovered that if you're a student and you pay cash they give you HUGE discounts on tickets. We got into the Civic Center for $20. Ah-mazing.
The ballets were awesome. It was a triple feature. The first two were modern pieces, and they were both awesome. Wonderfully talented company, wonderfully choreographed. Personally I don't know much about the technical side of ballet, so I can't really tell you a lot about that part of it. But from a simply aesthetic point of view, they were both really cool.

The fact that I don't know anything about ballet sometimes frustrates me because Luis actually DOES ballet, so he knows ALL about it. And then I try to be like, "it was so cool when they did the thing with the thing and she twirled around and he picked her up and the thing with the thing!" and he's like, "oh, you mean the -long technical term for the thing with the thing-?" And I'm like, "Gaaaahhhhhhh yeah, that." I don't like not knowing things. It's just a peeve. So I tried to understand. And I didn't. And I was frustrated. Oh, well, you know?

But seriously y'all.
The third ballet in the triple feature was the big one: the Firebird by Stravinsky. Yes, Chica, the one from Fantasia 2000. Except in this story the Firebird is the hero and she saves the day. Basically this guy named Ivan comes across the Firebird and wants to keep her, so in exchange for her freedom she gives him one of her feathers which he can use to call her when he's in trouble. Well, of course the second she leaves he runs across this creepy castle place with beautiful maidens living in it and dances a wonderful pas de deux ("dance for two." I learned a new word. Yay!) with the princess girl. But when he asks her to come away with him, she tells him they're all prisoners in the creepy castle and that he should flee for his life. Of course, instead he tries to follow them into the castle and instantly gets attacked by monsters. Then the leader villain guy came out and tried to turn our hero to stone, but he waved the feather in his face and the Firebird came and saved him and they killed the bad guy and then the hero and the princess got married and it was all wonderful and lovely.

It was awesome. So win. Loved it. Great.

So yeah. That's what I did today.

<3 Katy


Mah name's Katy, and I'm from Oklahoma. :3
I have a tiny obsession with smilies. I have a horrible country accent. I'm heavily into politics. I love My Little Pony. I write fanfics sometimes. And other things. I sing and act and I like to be in shows. I'm in college, Religion major. I wanna go to seminary. I have a really awesome boyfriend, a super cool little sister, and I'm part of an amazing sorority at my college: Alpha Phi. I have lots of other amazing friends, too.
All of those things will probably make appearances in this blog. And whatever happens to be on my mind at the time. Mostly it'll be whatever I'm doing instead of my homework. :D
Yes, the smilies will punctuate almost every paragraph.

But seriously y'all.
I'm gonna try to throw that phrase into every post. Maybe. We'll see how that works out.
But I am SO excited to be doing this. Super awesome.

Love you guys!
<3 Katy