Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy Easter, everybody! He is risen, He is risen indeed! Hosanna! Yay~!
Yeah. So my Easter went pretty well. Went to church in the morning, was only mildly bothered by my abusive ex showing up toting his fiancee around like a trophy and sitting through church with his iPhone out on Facebook and making snarky comments throughout the sermon and... Yeah. Only slightly bothered. Really, though, it didn't actually bother me. He's below my notice. But my poor baby sister had to sit by him and endure his obnoxiousness the whole time (which is the only reason I know he was making snarky comments in the service; I was out of earshot). But where I was sitting, I had a great time. Thought the sermon was very well done, the songs were good, everything was awesome.
Then after church we went over to my mom's sister's house to celebrate the secular holiday with my mom's family. This turned out to be more fun than I thought it would be. Since I get counted as both an adult and a kid right now in the pecking order of things, I get to laze around and talk about booze and school with the adults, and then I get to go hunt eggs with the kids when it's time to go outside. We all had hot dogs and burgers for dinner, including a pot luck of salads and other miscellaneous compositions. There was this one potato casserole thing that was really really good. Really unhealthy, I'm sure, but really really good. Which of course is how things like that work.
After we hunted eggs and emptied them all out (two of my cousins have four-year-olds, I'm the next oldest in line to have one), the boys decided it would be great fun to throw the empty plastic eggs at each other for the rest of the afternoon. Of course, one of their mothers thought this was quite a good sport, while the other one's grandfather (my uncle) did not think this a very good idea at all. So we had mixed signals coming from the authorities and the kids each decided to follow a different one. So one kid stopped throwing eggs and the other one started throwing harder. Ironically, the one that started throwing harder was the one whose grandfather was trying to get them to stop. Can't wait to have kids. Yay.
But seriously y'all.
I really do want kids. My kids will just be better-behaved than those two. And really, they weren't actually hurting each other. Those eggs are hollow, after all. So I'm not too put off by their antics. Woo.
Love y'all.

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