Thursday, April 12, 2012


Well, actually, pictures. Sorry, I'm not gonna talk about Tim Lincecum and Brian Wilson in this post (other than to quickly say that they are AWESOME), but I am going to talk about PICTURES. You know, the kind you take with a camera. For those of you who don't know, I have aspirations to be a part-time model. Just, you know, cuz I'm that beautiful. And because I absolutely love having my picture taken. So this week my lovely fabulous wonderful friend Joey took some shots of me, and they're kind of amazing. Mostly because he's probably the best photographer EVER, and because he loves me so much that the love just transfers through the camera. And he edits nicely. So put all those things together, and when he takes pictures of me, they're awesome.
We had such a good time, too. I love hanging out with him. He's just so precious and cute and happy all the time and we just get along so well. He's an absolute cutie, and he has no inhibitions about calling things as he sees them, especially about women, cuz he's not interested in women. XD Lulz. So when Joey tells you you're beautiful, he's not just saying that to get in your pants. He doesn't want in your pants. He just really thinks you're beautiful. And he's a fantastic photographer and makes it really easy to take great pictures with real smiles because he makes me laugh the whole time.
But seriously y'all.
(Are you annoyed with that yet? Cuz it ain't gonna stop!)
What's that?
You wanna SEE these amazing pictures?
Oh, very well. XD Here's a few of the best ones:

If you happen to be a fashion photographer (or know someone who is) and want to take my picture, I love to have my picture taken. XD And yes, Matthew, I am still working with your uncle. Don't worry.

So yeah. That's me. Ain't I purty?
Love y'all.

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