Thursday, April 26, 2012

Christian Rant for a Second

So for those of you who are reading this and don't know me, this is gonna be really liberal and really Christian. If you're offended, I offer my utmost apologies, but I sincerely hope you can see what I'm saying and not just the stereotypes that go with my faith.

THAT SAID, this might be a bit of a rant.

So I stumbled upon this Facebook group called The Christian Left. And I was like, "Yes! I'm not the only one? This is awesome!" So I started looking through all of their pictures, cuz that's how I creep on things on Facebook. I have no interest in their timeline or anything of that sort. I wanna see the pictures.
SO I start looking through all of their pictures, and most of them are text-base pictures that have something about their message on them, you know. Basically the platform of this group is saying, "Jesus said feed the hungry, heal the sick, and love everybody, so why are the conservatives, who are supposedly the more 'Christian' party, catering to the upper class and perpetuating hateful misconceptions?" and as I'm reading, I'm going, "Amen! Amen! Love everybody, yeah!" and of course I'm a liberal so all the stuff about keep abortion legal and let the gays get married and stuff makes me happy, too. Cuz honestly that kind of stuff that they do in the name of Christianity is just one of my pet peeves. "Oh, it says in the Bible that a man may not lie with a man like he does with a woman? Do you know WHERE in the Bible it says that? Cuz I know where. In the book of Leviticus. Have you READ the book of Leviticus? It's right after Exodus. It also says in the book of Leviticus that if you have a skin rash you need to go show yourself to the priest and quarantine yourself from society for seven days until the rash is gone. Do you quarantine yourself from society when you have a rash? Then why do you have such an issue with gays?" I mean, seriously. I'm not forcing you to have gay sex. I'm not forcing your women to get abortions. If you don't like that stuff, don't do it. Don't infringe upon my right to do as I please. I mean, I don't like pound cake. Am I going to tell you that you're not allowed to eat pound cake because I don't like it? No! Bad example, actually. I really like pound cake. Um, tomatoes. I hate tomatoes. My baby sister loves them. I do not infringe upon her right to love tomatoes. I will sit and watch her eat tomatoes, even though I hate them. MG, vouch for me here, have I ever told you that it is wrong for you to like tomatoes? Are  you going to Hell for liking tomatoes? NO.
But seriously y'all.
Okay, so back to Jesus, because we love people. I was having such a good time looking through these pictures, especially the ones that were really not even politically oriented that basically just said "Guys, Jesus said these two things were the most important: Love God, and love each other." So why do we all hate each other so much? Because we've disagreed about some tiny detail somewhere along the way? Really? Cuz honestly, I don't give a flying f*** (sorry bout that) what you believe in. Jesus said "love thy neighbor." Who is your neighbor, guys? Come on, I ain't talkin' about the people that live on either side of your house. I'm not talking about your sweet cousins and all the nice people that go to your church every Sunday all dressed up nice. I'm talking about the homeless guy on the corner. I'm talking about the people who don't look like you, who don't think like you. Oh, his skin is a different color than yours? Guess what. He's your neighbor. Oh, she's fifteen and pregnant and considering an abortion because she's scared to death of what the kids in high school will say about her? Do you know what that poor girl needs? Not a slap in the face with horrible labels and condemnations. That girl needs to be loved. Yes, she sinned. Guess what? SO DO YOU. Jesus said if you think look lustfully at someone you're just as guilty of adultery as that fifteen-year-old who's pregnant because she made a mistake, because someone told her they loved her and she believed them, but she forgot her birth control that morning, and now that boy that said he loved her won't speak to her because he says she's a "dirty slut." You, whoever you are, you who zoned out staring at some girl in class, wondering what she would look like without that low-cut shirt, yeah, you're just as guilty as that "dirty slut."
Now here's the best part.
YOU'RE BOTH FORGIVEN. And you're both loved. And Jesus doesn't care what you've done. He loves you. God loves you. You are His children, why wouldn't he love you? If your biological parents can forgive you for breaking a window because you played baseball inside the house, how much more will your Heavenly Father forgive you when you sin against Him? The lowest sinner on Earth is still a beloved child of God. And I'm not just talking about Christians, by the way. I mean the Muslim "terrorists," I mean the Jewish "Christ-killers," I mean the Buddhist "atheists." Yeah, all of them. Everything that breathes. All of creation is God's beloved. And no, by the way, not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Jews are Christ-killers (Jesus and His disciples were ALL Jewish), and while most Buddhists don't believe in an anthropomorphic "big man in the sky" kind of God, they are spiritual people. You may disagree with me on this, but personally I am convinced that every single person on the face of the Earth is an inherently GOOD PERSON. Yes, humans are fallible, but that's what Grace is for. And guess what. Divine Grace is infinite. There's no limit to how much you can receive. God isn't going to suddenly be like, "Ope, you've sinned too much now. No more grace for you. All out, sorry." No. You are infinitely forgiven.

GOD LOVES EVERYBODY, and I do my best every day to walk in His footsteps of love.

All right, rant over.
Love y'all.

Oh--feel free to comment, by the way. I'm really not as scary as I sound. I'll chat with you about this.

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