Saturday, April 21, 2012

Attend the Tale of Sweeney Todd

So my college just put on the most AMAZING performance of one of the most AMAZING musicals EVER.
For reals, though.
I'm sure you all know Sweeney Todd from the movie with Johnny Depp and Helena Bohnam Carter, but let me just say that the stage musical is a HUNDRED MILLION TIMES BETTER than that movie. And I love that movie. Love it.  So it isn't like I'm just saying that because I hate the movie. It's because the stage version is so amazingly wonderfully fantastic that even though the movie is great it just absolutely cannot hold a candle to the stage version, even though you can't do special effects onstage. I don't care. It is still a hundred million times better.
But seriously y'all.
They leave all the best songs out of the movie. Like the one that makes up the title of this post. There's an actual chorus in the stage version, that sings all these amazing songs that aren't in the movie. And I HATE that. Because it is the BEST SONG IN THE WHOLE SHOW and they took it out. They also cut down a lot of songs and took out freakin' all of poor little Johanna's songs, because she has this amazing duet with Antony that is totally not in the movie at all and it has a little reprise during the song "Johanna" while Sweeney's going on his killing spree and Antony's looking all over town for Johanna, she sings in that song, too. She does. But they took it out of the movie. Cuz they're stupid.
Because it's a stage show and they can take liberties like this, they made the setting steampunk. It was awesome. For the second half of the show Sweeney wore a top had with goggles on it. And the chorus were all dressed up in steampunk stuff with crazy makeup and everyone. And it was awesome.
Everyone in the stage show is a lot crazier. Sweeney is much more outwardly crazy than he is in the movie (because, of course, it's a movie, and they can't have any overacting going on), but it just makes the show better and I really enjoyed the way our Sweeney played his character. He was a lot more fun to watch. And our Mrs. Lovett was wonderful. Her voice was a little heavier than Helena Bohnam Carter's is in the movie (and no, I don't care if I'm spelling her name wrong), but it suited the character much better, I thought. And there were a lot more funny bits in the stage show than in the movie. But it was still FREAKING SCARY which is how you know they've done a good job.
All in all, the show was AMAZING. AMAZING. I wish I could make the font bigger to demonstrate to you how amazing this show was. I loved it. Loved it.
And I love y'all.

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