Sunday, May 20, 2012

Proud Sister Moment

Okay, I'm going to try to refrain from doing this all in caps because I don't want to scream at you the whole time, but seriously this is kind of worth screaming about because it's just so awesome.

My amazing little sister, MG, is seriously the most TALENTED person on the planet. Yep, better than the whole world. Better than me, better than you. Sorry aboucha, but she's got you beat by a mile, I don't care who you are. She is THAT awesome.
So here's why she's so awesome.
I don't think I've blogged about her before, so I'll start at the beginning: she plays the alto sax. Yeah, that wouldn't normally be a big deal except she's like FREAKING AWESOME at it. She's so good at her sax! Gotten superior ratings at state contest every year she's taken a solo. Every year. Because she's amazing. She plays her sax for the Edmond Memorial Bulldog Band, and also for the Symphonic Winds honor band that meets at my college once a week during the school year. Yes, she is awesome. Oh, by the way, she's a freshman and she's beating out upperclassmen for chairs. AND she's in jazz band for next year (incoming freshmen aren't even allowed to audition for jazz band, so this was her first audition). And it's very exciting because there are only three spots and she's making it as a sophomore. Because she's awesome.
She ALSO plays the piano. She had a recital today for her piano lessons (which is extracurricular), and it was awesome. And she composes a little bit on the piano (not big stuff, of course, but little songs, which is still really good for someone her age!) And she's really good at the piano, too. She can even transcribe the chords for songs that don't have a chord chart online. She also plays the piano for the youth praise band at our church, which our youth leader has put her IN CHARGE of, as a freshman! Because she is so TALENTED and organized and a little bit bossy, which is good when you're in charge!
AAAND she's taught herself how to conduct. She can hold a beat like nobody's business. And she's so precise and doesn't follow anyone because she can hear the beat outside the music and can keep everybody in line and it's really super totally cool. Which leads me to the coolest thing about my super duper talented little sister:

Yeah, as a sophomore. That is a HUGE deal. For those of you who don't know much about the Bulldog Band, that may not make any sense. Basically our marching band is 200 strong and there are three drum majors, that are basically the conductors for all the football games' halftime shows, for their contest marching shows, everything. They OWN the marching band. And then in the off-season they're kind of like aids to the teachers. And making it as a sophomore is a HUGE DEAL because you're in charge of the ENTIRE band and you're what's keeping them on beat, so it's a giant tribute to just how amazingly talented my sister is.


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