Saturday, September 22, 2012


Alrighty guys.
I've been on my lithium for about six days now, and I wanted to update you guys on how that's going.

All two of you.

I have found that if I want people to read my posts, I share them on Facebook. Otherwise, it's just the two of you who are following this.

So for those concerned two of you, here's an update for my lithium stuff.

It's too early to tell if it's legitimately working, but I haven't had any violent emotional altercations since Tuesday. But I frequently go that long (four days) being relatively level and that doesn't mean anything. I could just as quickly go totally manic tomorrow.

But I hope not.

Things I HAVE noticed about the lithium:

It makes my hands shake. Sometimes worse than others, and not having food in my body definitely makes it worse, but the lithium definitely makes my hands shake. It makes it difficult to put on my make up in the morning. And today I could barely drink out of a glass because the glass kept knocking against my teeth. It's never been as bad as it was this morning. Hopefully that'll go away as my body adjusts to the new lithium levels in my body.

I've been hungry a lot. I don't know if that's due to the lithium or just because I'm a poor college student eating lots of insubstantial junk all day long and my body says, "Um, where's the food? This is cardboard..."

My mom says my lithium will react with grapefruit juice.
Good thing I hate grapefruit juice.

So yeah. Just wanted to give y'all a report on how the drugs are going so far.

My hands are shaking.
That is all.

Love y'all.

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