Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tell me again about the rabbits...

I'm considering beginning to post random chunks of poetry on this blog just for fun. I mean, a whole two people read this so I don't know why I even bother sometimes.
Matthew, I hope you know how freaking much I love you that I keep writing this thing for you. It's my little online diary just for you.
My sister doesn't even read it anymore.
She read all of my posts a little while ago because she had a nightmare that I posted on here that I was pregnant and everyone knew before her because they all read my blog and she didn't. But then she saw me the next day and I confirmed that I was not actually pregnant, so she stopped reading again.
Not that I blame her, she's awfully busy being incredibly awesome super talented drum major self. No big deal.

Have you ever had that person that you just can't stand to not have in your life but you're not sure why? Mine's back in my life. I'm really glad. Both of them, actually. And I lurvs them both. One of them's you, Matthew, so gimme a smile. The other one doesn't read this blog. GASP OF SHOCK. Not really.

My clock fell off my wall. Again. This time it's because it was actually too heavy for the hook I used. Broke the hook in half. Craziness. So I have it on a bigger hook now. Hopefully now it will stay on my wall.

I'm drowning in coursework. I can't keep everything straight. I'm missing due dates already. It's killing me. I need to keep my scholarship.


Love you all.

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