Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fourth Grade Science


Do you guys remember this, I learned it in elementary school (so I just picked fourth grade because it was a particularly horrible year for me), that when you look at someone to whom you are naturally and genuinely attracted, you pupils dilate? I remember staring at every guy's eyeballs for weeks after I learned that to see if anyone liked me.

For the first time in my life I experienced this scientific fact in person. Nick and I were hanging together, having some pretty intense soul-bearing conversations (you know the kind that you have when you're sensing that the relationship is starting to get kinda serious and they want to know all of your dirty little secrets and help you carry your baggage, yeah, that kind) and we lock eyes for a minute, and I am absolutely shocked to see his pupils practically double in size within about two seconds. I mean, holy WOW.
In my head I was kind of like, "Well, maybe the light was in his eyes or something," which is totally inaccurate because if the light was in his eyes his pupils would have shrunk, but I couldn't think of any other way to rationalize what had just happened, so I break eye contact to give him like a hug or a kiss on the cheek or something, I don't remember. We chat for a little while longer, and then the very next time we make meaningful eye contact, his pupils go WHOOM. Huge. Instantly. I couldn't get over it. Every single time he looked at me his pupils exploded.

I mean, how incredibly amazing is that? As if I needed another reason to believe that this guy isn't a lying manipulative heartless dick-brained asshole like the rest of the male population that shows interest in me, every time he looks at me he proves that the science I learned in fifth grade isn't all bogus. I mean, his pupils got HUGE. Every time. I wanted to cry I was so happy. I couldn't stop hugging him. So happy.

So, I'm not gonna make any predictions or anything, but I have a cautiously really good feeling about this guy. Still cautious, though. I mean, technically I had a good feeling about Travis for the first six months, too. But I have better skills now, and I still don't need anybody. That's a big difference between then and now. I don't need a guy now. I just like having one. So, I mean, I think I'm set.

And I'm pretty sure my pupils dilate when I look at Nick, too. Jus' sayin'.

Love y'all.

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