Monday, February 4, 2013

Handy Man

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5, NKJV

Jeremiah's response to this calling was, like many of the prophets to whom God's word came, was something along the lines of  "OH NO NOT ME." Jerry's excuse is, "I am but a boy! I cannot speak." Moses' was "Who am I to bring the people out of Egypt?" Jonah just up and ran without so much as an argument.
I am not good enough to carry Your message, God.
I am not good enough.
Not good enough.

We point our flaws out to God as a reason why we do not fully devote ourselves to Him. "I will give You my soul once I have fixed it, God. It's not worthy of You yet."

I hesitated before going to church tonight because I was feeling low, dirty, remembering all of my stains from past encounters, long gone sins. I didn't feel like my worship was worthy of the Lord Most High, that I would insult Him and profane the holy gathering by my mere presence among them. I didn't even want to approach my God in the state of filth in which I considered myself.

My soul wasn't good enough.

But God knew that. Before he formed me in the womb, He knew the dispositions of my soul and the inclinations of my temperament. He already knew that I had a tendency to break and sink into the mires of depression, self-hatred and angst. And He wants me anyway.

We are humans. We're not supposed to be able to fix our own souls. We can't shine ourselves up before we hand ourselves over to God. It doesn't work like that. You only give God the best when it comes to livestock sacrifice. When it comes to my heart and soul, God doesn't just want the nice pretty parts. He wants the whole enchilada, no matter how broken it is.

And guess what? He'll fix it for me.

He is the ultimate handy man.

I am good enough for God.
Because God made me the way I am.

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