Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Porcelain Face

This is the first section of a devotional short story I'm working on. This is unedited, so it might be a little rough. See what you think.

Once, not long ago, the God of ages created a girl, with a beautiful porcelain face. She trusted Him and never turned her flawless gaze from her Creator. He fed her with Scripture, and strengthened her with His unwavering Love. As she began to learn to walk, the Lord took tiny steps away from her, and she matched His steps, following Him devotedly. But her steps were shaky, and each one made her stronger as she chased her God.

Until one day, as she lifted her foot to follow her Creator's footsteps, the Accuser slithered under her, and when she set down her foot, he snatched her ankle and dragged her from her feet, his searing grip staining her perfect skin with ugly, painful burns. As she fell, she cried out for her Lord to save her, but He simply watched her precious face as it struck the concrete and was dragged away.

"Let me go!" she pleaded, realizing with horror that the impact of her fall had weakened the porcelain of which she was made, and along her jawline there slid a long hairline fracture.

The Accuser laughed at her. "Do you really wish for me to release you? You have been flawed, you've ruined your perfect face! Your God will not want you now!"

She gritted her teeth against the pain of his hand on her skin. "Let me go!" she repeated squirming in his grasp.

"Very well." And he dropped her, vanishing as quickly as he had appeared, leaving her alone, crumpled on the dirty pavement. As she pulled herself up, her finger traced the fracture on her jaw. "I am broken," she whimpered. "That creature is right, my God will never accept me in this state. I must find someone who can make me whole again, so that I may once again appear before my Creator." So, with shaking steps, the girl set off down the dull sidewalk, in search of someone who could fix her.